Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe

Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe

                 Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe 

Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe

How To make chicken Jalfrezi;

Hello, friends today we are going to make Chicken Jalfrezi. For this, I have taken 1/2 Kg Boneless Chicken. Cut into cubes like this capsicum/ Bell Pepper in different colors and cut into cubes don't want Tomato Paste. Then you can add tomato well add oil in a pan then we fry onion if you don't want to add Tomato PasteThen don't add. Instead, take boil 2-3 tomatoes and peel of their skin grind them and it will be your Tomato Paste. If you don't want reddish Jalfrezi. Once the onion is light brown then add chicken and cook until it changes color add Ginger & Garlic Paste as wellWe'll cook until chicken changes colored turns white then we'll add spices if you want more spicy then you can increase the chili quantity dry it well and add green ChiliTomato Paste. Again if you don't want to add then you can do as I told you I like the reddish color. SoI have added tomato paste now let it cook for 10-12 minutes after 10-12 minutes, our chicken Jalfrezi is almost ready now we'll vegetables cut into cubes you can add only green capsicum if you want! But it looks really good in different colors so the choice is yours is not necessary to add all colors now we'll cook only for 2-3 minutes or Chicken Jalfrezi is ready. I'll show you in serving dish must try, It will be delicious? You can serve with Naan/ Roti. If you like my post, then please Subscribe and Thanks for the next recipes, Good-Bye.

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